Chapter 1: Big Brains, Bigger Brains
- Boskop
- Possible offshoot of the human race with larger brains than modern humans.
- Named for Boskop, South Africa where they were found.
- While notable at the time, the find has largely been forgotten.
- Are Bigger Brains Better?
- Yes, bigger brains make for a more intelligent animal.
- Brain and Language
- Language is very important
- Uniquely human
- Allows for the transmission of knowledge between generation
- Each generation does not start from scratch.
- Were Boskops smarter?
- Why Haven't we Heard of Boskops Before?
- Prejudices - the belief that because we modern humans have some trait then it must be advantageous.
- There is precedence for this: Liebnitz's notation, particle vs. wave theory of light.
- Outline of the book
- Introduction
- Brain circuits
- Genetics
- Brain structures
- The neocortex
- Olfaction and cognition
- Parts of the brain and what they do
- How do you get from simple biological machinery to thought
- Brain differences in humans
- Species and subspecies
- Primate and hominid ancestors
- The Piltdown find
- Differences in primate brains
- Speculation about the Boskop
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